2020 / PDF from These Roots Could Have The Whole Thing Crumbling written by Yael van der Wouden for『CATALOGUE』No. 3 (2018), an immaterial publication documented mycorrhizally online, co-edited with Display Distribute and Kunci

Haunted Bookshelves

2018 / sticker for Haunted Bookshelves in『CATALOGUE』No. 3 / Display Distribute (Elaine W. Ho and Ming Lin), Kunci (Gatari Surya Kusuma) and Read-in (Marianna Takou and Ying Que) at Eu Zen / Performance at Seoul Mediacity

NUMPANG as politics of sharing space

2016 / 26 April / Read-in contribution to Radio Kunci at ifa gallery Berlin / How can numpang create a situation for study? What kind of values are being exchanged in this interaction? How to contextualize the history of numpang in contemporary artistic context? How to unlearn numpang?   Nuraini Juliastuti (KUNCI) in conversation with Read-in […]

Regimes of Memorizing #2

2014 / 20 – 23 January / Workshop at Casco, Utrecht and SMBA Amsterdam in the context of the  exhibition ‘Made in Commons’ by Stedelijk Bureau Amsterdam and Kunci Yogyakarta.