FST Meet-ups

FST working group co-initiating a number of meet-ups with practitoners from various backgrounds to discuss important stages of the feminist search tools research.

Meet-up #2: Feminist Search Meeting

2021 / 19 June / with a presentation by guests: Infrastructural Manoeuvres, Rietveld and Sandberg Library Amsterdam

With the meetup we bring together a group of 15 practitioners who share the interest of engaging with (digital) library catalogues and archives, search mechanisms , and systems of categorization. We aim to create an exchange amongst different practices and draw connections amongst different interests and projects. 
We started with a short introduction of everyone who joined us, and two short presentations of projects engaging with digital library catalogues and that address the power structures that library search tools reproduce, including our own FST digital research tool

Presentation 1 by Infrastructural Manoeuvres sharing the ongoing work on the systems of the Rietveld and Sandberg Library https://catalogue.rietveldacademie.nl/about.html; https://jekyll.all-syste.ms/

Presentation 2: Feminist Search Tools project (FST) focusing specifically on one of our latest iterations – a visualization tool that explores the (im)possibilties of an intersectional approach to searching the catalogue of IHLIA LGBT Heritage Collection.


Meet-up #1: Repository of Feminist Search Strategies

2020 / 8 Feb / Read-in and Hackers & Designers will host a workshop together with Alice Strete – recent graduate of XPUB about feminist strategies to searching in library catalogs.

Join us in this work session if you want to learn and exchange about the possibilities and challenges of feminist approaches to search, and how they could be applied to concrete contexts such as library catalogs and archives.

The workshop will start with a collective mapping exercise, drawing together different experiences and possibly imaging new feminist strategies to search, followed by a more focussed hands-on session in which we will work in smaller groups, further developing some of the strategies and applying them to concrete contexts and datasets. From paper-prototyping to technical examinations, the goal of the day is to imagine and test out feminist approaches to search and create a collective tool box – a repository for feminist search strategies.

If you are planning to join the workshop please let us know by sending an email to info@read-in.info


10.30: Coffee and tea * Intro: Background of the project from Read-in, H&D and X-Pubs points of view

11:30: Collective mapping

13.00: Lunch

14:00: Working in smaller groups * Paper prototyping * Technical examination of the concepts:

17.00 Wrap up

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