Haunted Bookshelves

design by Display Distribute

2018 / sticker for Haunted Bookshelves in『CATALOGUE』No. 3 / Display Distribute (Elaine W. Ho and Ming Lin), Kunci (Gatari Surya Kusuma) and Read-in (Marianna Takou and Ying Que) at Eu Zen / Performance at Seoul Mediacity


충분한 시간이 절대적으로 부족하고 생존이 불확실할 때, 끝이 없는 이야기란 과연 무엇인가?
When there is never enough time and survival is uncertain, what is a story without an end?
Jika waktu selalu tak cukup dan bertahan hidup selalu tak pasti, apa arti dari sebuah kisah yang tak memiliki akhir?

… storytelling might pick up diverse things of meaning and value and gather them together, like a forager rather than a hunter waiting for the big kill. In this kind of storytelling, stories should never end, but rather lead to further stories.Anna Lowenhaupt-Tsing, The Mushroom at the End of the World (2015), p. 287